- The Health Benefit Alliance (HBA) expands access to affordable, quality health benefits through intelligent plan design, an unrivaled focus on innovation, and disciplined delivery of healthcare resources.
- We developed a vital alternative to traditional carrier plans that meets the health benefit needs of U.S. employees across a diverse labor force and work environment.

- Lower premiums than traditional offerings
- No Deductible options
- Guaranteed Issue (following group approval) - Minimum 2 enrolled
- Open Access – No network hospital restrictions.
- 24/7/365 Telehealth and Teletherapy
- Discounted Diabetic Supplies
- 4-tier prescription plans (top 600 generics $0 Copay)

Meeting the need
- Our health plans are affordable, ACA and ERISA compliant, and built on copays – not high deductibles that create barriers to care – with nationwide availability.
- Our app provides access to all components of the health plan including digital medical cards, telehealth visits, claims tracking, payments, and more.

Plan Features
- deductTelemedicine including Mental Health Therapy
- Facial Scan Technology for LifeVitals
- Second Surgical Opinion
- Diabetic Supplies and Psychiatric Care
- Strong national network
- Zero deductible plan options
- Pay a copay and use any doctor
HBAScripts SM is a unique pharmacy program designed to make the most common generic medications available at no cost to plan participants. These medications include:
Acute Medications (immediate need)
Up to a 30-day supply of the top 125 most prescribed acute generic medications
Chronic Medications Up to a 90-day supply of the top 480 most prescribed maintenance drugs
Diabetic Supplies
Up to a 90-day supply of specific diabetic non-insulin products at a participating local retail pharmacy…all at no cost to plan participants. This includes generic oral diabetic medications and specific brands of diabetic test strips and lancets/pen needles.
ReliOnTM Novolin 70/30 and NovoLog insulin can be filled at participating retail pharmacies for:
- 30-day supply
- Vials - lesser of plan’s retail copay or $10
- Pens - lesser of plan’s retail copay or $25
- 90-day supply (retail or mail order)
- Vials - lesser of plan’s mail order copay or $20
- Pens - lesser of plan’s mail order copay or $50