An Affordable Compliant Employer Sponsored Health Plan
- MVP PLANS Bronze, Silver, Gold: includes Minimum Essential Coverage plus additional Health Care Services.
- Maximizing savings and providing cutting-edge solutions to help you effectively manage your health care costs
Facilitated by:
Administered by:
Reinsured by:

The SB/A CoOp is a Non-Profit “Agency” Cooperative Corporation that does not buy or sell products or services but acts as the “Legal Collective Agent” of all the Cooperative Members to facilitate advantageous contractual relationships for and between the members.
The SB/A CoOp may legally “aggregate” small employers together without becoming a Multiple Employer Welfare Association (MEWA) or acting as a Multiple Employer Trust (MET).
The SB/A CoOp sponsors the unique ERISA Employer Healthcare Benefits Plans that are ACA qualified when attached to ACA Minimum Essential Coverage.

Serve You Rx
Since 1987, Serve You Rx has been the pharmacy benefit manager (PBM) of choice for employee benefit brokers and consultants, their clients, including employers, unions, coalitions, and governmental entities, as well as third party administrators who are looking for a valuable partner to effectively manage prescription drug costs. Serve You Rx offers:
- Stability
- Consistency
- Flexibility
- Customized plan designs
- Consultative clinical support
- Robust trend management programs and strategies
- Exceptionally focused member and client service
- Quality-driven, Serve You Rx owned and operated mail service and specialty pharmacies
- Over 66,000 pharmacies nationwide
- Privately owned and headquartered in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- Wholly-owned mail order pharmacy

Summary Plan of Benefits

Plan Provisions and Exclusions

Employer Group MVP Plan Cost